AlexRedSea Design
AlexRedSea Design
(+2) 01 222 59 00 38
(+7) 921 571 21 85

موقع لشركات و مكاتب الرحلات السياحية

☑ عميل:   Crystal Safari

☑ ما تم عمله:   website development, domain registration, hosting, translation, promotional materials


is an excursion bureau, that operates in Hurghada.
The company specializes in safari excursions in Hurghada.

Website has a brigt original design. Domain name is related with company name. Website is adapted for mobile devices.
AlexRedSea Design has made website in three languages (German, English, Russian).

☑ الصفحة الرئيسية

Bright sunny colors and original design was choosed for the website. Main page contains information about company and some reviews from tourists.

☑ الصفحات الداخلية

Internal pages contain description of all excursions of the company, photo and video galeries, list of excursions.


هل انت معجب بأعمالنا ؟ شارك

موقع لشركات و مكاتب الرحلات السياحية

☑ عميل:   Crystal Safari

☑ ما تم عمله:   website development, domain registration, hosting, translation, promotional materials


is an excursion bureau, that operates in Hurghada.
The company specializes in safari excursions in Hurghada.

Website has a brigt original design. Domain name is related with company name. Website is adapted for mobile devices.
AlexRedSea Design has made website in three languages (German, English, Russian).

☑ الصفحة الرئيسية

Bright sunny colors and original design was choosed for the website. Main page contains information about company and some reviews from tourists.

☑ الصفحات الداخلية

Internal pages contain description of all excursions of the company, photo and video galeries, list of excursions.


هل انت معجب بأعمالنا ؟ شارك