AlexRedSea Design
AlexRedSea Design
(+2) 01 222 59 00 38
(+7) 921 571 21 85

موقع مدرب رياضة الغوص

☑ عميل:   إيهاب مدرب غطس

☑ ما تم عمله:   website development and translation.


is a diving instructor, that works in Hurghada.
He offers few diferrent courses for divers.

Landing page has original design. It is adapted for mobile devices.
AlexRedSea Design has make website in two languages (English and Russian).

☑ الصفحة الرئيسية

Dark blue color and original design was choosed for the landing page. The landing page contains information about diving instructor and his contacts.

هل انت معجب بأعمالنا ؟ شارك

موقع مدرب رياضة الغوص

☑ عميل:   إيهاب مدرب غطس

☑ ما تم عمله:   website development and translation.


is a diving instructor, that works in Hurghada.
He offers few diferrent courses for divers.

Landing page has original design. It is adapted for mobile devices.
AlexRedSea Design has make website in two languages (English and Russian).

☑ الصفحة الرئيسية

Dark blue color and original design was choosed for the landing page. The landing page contains information about diving instructor and his contacts.

هل انت معجب بأعمالنا ؟ شارك